Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fellowship At McDonald's

Fellowship At McDonald’s
Written by Amanda Hawkins

    The other day I was sitting at a McDonald’s writing a post for my blog with my bible open on the table. Two ladies came in and were sitting across from me reading the book 'Jesus Calling,' talking about the importance of prayer. It was nice to see church in a public place.
     After the two ladies left, I focused once again on my writing, as opposed to eavesdropping, and started to type away, keys clicking beneath my fingertips.
     I looked up for a moment and seen a man who looked at me and smiled, and I returned the gesture. The man started to walk towards me, and I knew he was coming over to talk about the Lord. I don't know how I knew, I just did. He came over and asked what I was studying in the bible, and I told him I was reading Jeremiah. He looked like he was going to cry tears of joy as he spoke. "You know, it's so good to see a Christian here. I'm from North Carolina, and I worked in construction. You don't see real Christians out there too often. You see 'Christians,' but you don't see people who have a relationship with Christ."
     I agreed. We talked for a short while, he told me he's an evangelist, traveling and sharing the Gospel.
     It was very refreshing and uplifting to meet someone new who is a born again Christian.
     Before we parted our ways, he leaned in a little closer and began to speak more quietly. "You see that cashier over there?" He pointed at the girl at the counter with a sad look in her eyes. "Pray for her. When I was ordering my coffee I told her that Jesus loves her, and she looked like she was going to cry. I don't think anyone has ever told her that before. Pray for her."
     I ensured him that I would, and then he left. I did pray for her right then and there, a quiet whisper, and tears as I begged the Lord to save her.
"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;"
-- 1 Timothy 2:1
     Fellowship, church, can be anywhere, any time. It's not always planned, and it doesn't have to be in a specific place. Be open to the Lord and his opportunities. You never know when Jesus is going to use you or place someone in your path. That day I thanked the Lord for the fellowship, and I thanked Him for using me to intercede on that girl's behalf, and for giving me someone to pray for.
     Erase the idea from your head that 'Church' is the only place where things happen. We are the Church. We are the Body Of Christ. You just have to be open to letting the Lord make things happen. At the beginning of every day, ask God to use you. Pray for others, praise and worship Jesus, give thanks, be a servant to the Lord and he will use you.

“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” -- Philippians 2:13

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” -- Matthew 18:20

    Have a bible study in McDonald’s with some friends one of these days. You never know what opportunities may arise from your faith being outwardly projected in your daily life, in your activities, in your behavior, in your countenance. Don’t make a point to do it just to make others think that you’re a Christian, but also don’t be afraid to have your studies in a public place because of what people might think. How can the lord work through you to reach out to others if you hide away?

    I hope that this post gave you insight on some thing or another, and I pray that the Lord Jesus works through you, and gives you opportunities to pray for others or to reach out to others in your daily life. Peace be with you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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